Shooting Star
Tiffany Ajumobi: A Determined Young Woman with an Abundance of Community Spirit

CKW Luxe is proud to announce that Tiffany Ajumobi is our honoree for the Shooting Star Award. This award recognizes the young people who pave the way for themselves. They have shown extraordinary effort in the pursuit of a particular goal and have influenced the community for the better.
“If you don’t make your mark, no else will.” – Tiffany Ajumobi
Tiffany says this of her quote, “I ‘borrowed’ this quote from a speaker at our school, and I think it’s a wonderful way to remind others of not only the immediacy in their own lives, but also reminds us of the impact we lose in our own lives and the lives of others when action is not taken.”
Described as a determined young woman with tenacity and grit, Tiffany Ajumobi is a senior at The Kinkaid School. As one of fifteen girls chosen to be a peer mentor, one of the highest responsibilities awarded to a senior, Tiffany, along with another peer mentor, is in charge of helping lead a group of ten freshmen through the social, emotional, and academic adjustments of high school. Her ready smile, quick wit, and infectious warmth make it possible for Tiffany to connect with the wide array of personalities in her group.
In addition, Tiffany is one of a handful of students selected to be an Admissions Ambassador at The Kinkaid School. In this role, she is tasked with giving tours and leading panels for prospective Kinkaid students. Along with her fellow ambassadors, Tiffany also helps interview applicants for the Admissions Ambassador Program.
Tiffany is also director of public relations this year for The Community Service Council, on which she served as class representative in ninth and tenth grades. As director of public relations for the council, Tiffany is responsible for running its advertising, as well as managing the face of Kinkaid Community Service. Community service is a priority for Tiffany and a sizable part of her identity. She devotes a significant portion of her time to it. Also in her capacity as director of public relations for the council, Tiffany is instrumental in getting Kinkaid’s student body excited about service projects, ranging from Habitat for Humanity to the annual Special Olympics Bocce Ball tournament.
Tiffany herself is an important part of the bocce ball tournament and has given her talents as a volunteer to it since ninth grade. In eleventh and twelfth grades, Tiffany has served as the assistant to the organizatonal head. Tiffany doesn’t just appear behind the scenes, but in the thick of the action as referee during the matches. She also managed operations on the day of the tournament.
Many of Tiffany’s lunch hours are spent in service to The Community Service Council. It is also remarkable to note that Tiffany leads the school in number of service hours performed. This is an accomplishment for which she should be very proud.
As a first generation American, Tiffany embraces her Nigerian background. In conjunction with the Diversity Club and Kinkaid’s culture fair, Tiffany has done a remarkable job educating the community on issues related to diversity.
Tiffany’s other passions include creative writing, music, and track and field. Along with her involvement in Kinkaid’s outstanding creative writing program, Tiffany is an active member of the school’s literary magazine, “Falcon Wings.” This year, she is the art editor. As well as having her work published in “Falcon Wings,” Tiffany has submitted pieces to various literary competitions. One such was the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards for which she won a gold key for her poem “Scabs,” a gold key for her writing portfolio, a silver key, and three honorable mentions. Tiffany is also a nominee for the American Visions and Voices award.
As a member of the school band since ninth grade, Tiffany has played the trombone in its annual fall and spring concerts. In eleventh grade, she was secretary. She has also participated in regional and state competitions as a soloist and as a band member and is a member of the Association of Texas Small School Bands All-Region Band. Showing off her undying school spirit, Tiffany supported the school football team by playing with the school band at weekly games in the fall.
Tiffany joined the girl’s track and field team in ninth grade as well and was a member for two years. She participated in a number of running events and in the long jump, winning various medals at different meets.
In recognition of her role as a leader, Tiffany has been honored by The Kinkaid School with the Mayfield Leadership Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to a student who demonstrates strong leadership skills and abilities throughout the school. It is a well-deserved honor for such a dedicated student.
Tiffany doesn’t see the summer as an excuse to take time off from her interests and volunteer work. In the summer of 2016, before she began her senior year, Tiffany worked as a research volunteer at the University of Houston and held a Mayfield Summer Internship as a summer intern with SCF Partners. As a research volunteer, Tiffany spent six weeks assisting a graduate student studying the link between two specific genetic mutations in flies and the mental disorder schizophrenia in humans. As an intern at SCF Partners, a private investment company that invests solely in energy, Tiffany compiled various types of data and performed other important tasks.
From ninth to eleventh grades, allowing herself a little time in the sun and to work with young people, Tiffany volunteered as a counselor at FaySummer day camp. Here she assisted with students from third to twelfth grade, watching over campers and helping them get from class to class. She also ensured they had fun and stayed safe during their time at the camp.
CKW Luxe would like to congratulate Tiffany Ajumobi on being the Shooting Star Award honoree. As the embodiment of the award, Tiffany has bravely and independently set her own course in life and followed it. This resilient young woman has faced many challenges and a great deal of adversity. She hasn’t been deterred by any of it, however, and has instead used such experiences to become stronger and assist others. Tiffany is an inspiration to us all, and CKW Luxe would like to wish her all the best as a member of The Class of 2017.