Stepping up to the Plate for Education
TEACH hosts its seventh annual fundraiser, Grand Slam for Teach

Mike and Carol Linn, Soraya and Scott McClelland

Amy Pierce, Tony Bradfield, Nancy Ames

Tracy and Laurie Krohn

Mike and Carol Linn, Soraya and Scott McClelland
Photo Credits: Dave Rossman; Daniel Ortiz; Michelle Watson/CatchLight Group
General Editor: Margaret MacMillan
Publisher: Connie Kwan-Wong

The Celebration
Baseball and education were on the minds of over 500 guests attending Grand Slam for TEACH at the River Oaks Country Club. The cochairs for the organization’s seventh annual fundraiser were Carol and Mike Linn and Soraya and Scott McClelland. Kelly Krohn Buchanan and Bruce Derrick where the honorees and Houston Astros owner, Jim Crane, was the evening’s special guest.
The Story
To the delight of all in attendance, cheerleaders from Mading Elementary STEM Academy greeted them as they arrived and made their way to the salon for cocktails and photos with Jim Crane. Members of the Wheatley High School baseball team joined attendees as they mingled and chatted. At the sound of the dinner chimes, everyone proceeded to the ballroom, which was decked out in baseball-inspired style by Art Attack, and enjoyed a delicious meal of baby greens with burgundy poached pears, prime beef tenderloin, pan-seared Alaskan halibut, and chocolate pecan balls.
The Moments
After dinner,Scott McClelland thanked the host committee, the event’s major sponsors, and the elected officials present for doing their part to make the fundraiser a success. Mayor Turner; TEACH Founder, Susan Sarofim; and TEACH ExecutiveDirector, Nory Angel also spoke. Following a short video, Carol Linn, wearing an Astros jersey, encouraged everyone to donate to the important cause. Special guest, Jim Crane, spoke with McClelland about his career highlights and of his time with the Astros.
This year’s record-breaking total was over $1.3 million raised.
Susan and Fayez Sarofim, Nory Angel and Oleg Jolic, Jim and Whitney Crane, Joseph Williams, Mayor Turner, Beth Madison, Paul and Kristina Somerville, Laurie and Tracy Krohn, Sondra and Steve Myers, Phyllis Williams, Danny Ward and Nancy Ames, Ileana and Michael Trevino, Dancie and Jim Ware, David and Tonya Callender, Anne Neeson and Craig Janies, Deborah and Gardner Cannon, Hallie Vanderhider, Fady Armanious and Bill Baldwin, Margaret Alkek Williams, Chuck Jenness, Alice and Keith Mosing, State Representative Christina Morales, Constable Alan Rosen, Tony Bradfield and Kevin Black, Lisa Helfman, Alicia Smith, Brigette Kalai, Dr. Grenita Lathan,Dr. LaTonya Goffney, Regina Rogers, and Jessica and Tom Roupe.
To Educate All Children (TEACH)was founded in 2005 by business leader Susan Sarofim and lifelong educator Mary Yenik who recognized that a safe and stable school environment is crucial for students who may not experience safety or stability anywhere else in their worlds.TEACH provides educators with intensive training on classroom management, focusing on areas such as de-escalation, conflict resolution, building students’ self-image, and nonverbal communication. Currently, it concentrates its efforts exclusively in the Houston Independent School District where it is serving twenty-six schools.