About the Magazine
Message from the Author
Summer - Fall 2018

Connie Kwan-Wong
CEO and Publisher of CKW LUXE Magazine
Photography by Célia Abreu
I am proud and thrilled to be celebrating our third anniversary. Over the past three years CKW LUXE has been honored to bring you timely, uplifting, and informative articles about the amazing City of Houston and the world at large. Thank you for the support you give us and for believing in CKW LUXE. We appreciate everyone for whom Caring, Kindness, and Wisdom are also important.
Because this is an anniversary edition, we are also celebrating those in our community who stand up for what they believe in and work tirelessly to benefit others with our CKW LUXE Star Awards. This year, we have added The Aquarian Award to our roster. This new award goes to a woman who has made transformational contributions to the city of Houston by being socially conscious, a humanitarian, philanthropic, committed to bettering the lives of others, and inspiring others to do the same. CKW LUXE congratulates all its worthy award winners and thanks them for their tremendous dedication to the City of Houston and for helping to make it the city we are so proud of.
I am also thrilled to announce a new award that will be debuting in 2019. CKW LUXE’s Top 30 Impact Makers of the Year Awards will be bestowed upon inspiring couples, women, men, and youth.
Those honored with an Impact Maker award are humanitarians who are generous in their support of others, dedicated to improving lives and living conditions, and devoted to finding better ways of helping. They have made an achievement that has had a positive impact on some area of the arts, science, education, humanitarianism, or medicine within our community.
Impact Makers will be nominated by readers and contributors and then selected by the publication staff. The thirty Impact Maker awards will be presented at a special annual event, during which an exceptional nonprofit organization will be honored and presented with a $10,000 donation.
I would also like to extend my thanks to the steadfast citizens of Houston who came together as a city during and after Hurricane Harvey to minimize the effects of it devastation on all the individuals and organizations it affected. We are stronger together.
As always, I want to assure you, our readers, that CKW LUXE will continue to bring you articles that bring relevance to your lives and strive to be one of you favorite and most informative magazines.