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Houston Grand Opera (HGOco) and CKW Foundation Create a Day to Remember at the Boys & Girls Harbor

By: Kimberly Chuck 

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It was a special day on Friday, February 17, 2017 when HGOco’s Opera to Go! made its second appearance at the Boys & Girls Harbor. The fun-filled afternoon began with a dynamic performance of the bilingual adapted opera, “The Barber of Seville.” The production was underwritten by the Connie Kwan-Wong (CKW) Foundation, which believes exposure to the arts is beneficial for children. Some of the most notable benefits include, imbuing children with confidence and cultural awareness, improving children’s problem-solving and decision-making abilities, and nourishing children’s creativity. From young children to teenagers, everyone present experienced an exciting show filled with delightful singing, light-hearted piano tunes, and captivating acting.


A question and answer session after the opera gave attendees the chance to learn more about the participating artists and musicians. Everyone was then given the opportunity to mingle with the cast and snap a few group photos. To cap off the event, there was a celebration for the children themselves. The wonderful supporters and volunteers from Boys & Girls Harbor, and Connie Kwan-Wong herself, distributed presents to each child personally. The gifts, which were chosen from the children’s own wish lists, were a delightful surprise. In addition, the children filled their tummies with cookies, cupcakes, and juice from the treat table set up just for them.


Smiling was contagious and emotions were palpable as excited whispers were exchanged between friends and hugs were given out like they were Halloween candy. Multiple children bestowed personal thanks upon Ms. Kwan-Wong and everyone who helped make the event possible.


Continuing on the path of “Giving is always better than receiving,” the CKW Foundation, whose initials also stand for Caring, Kindness, and Wisdom, believes that if we all work together, the world will be a better place. The mission of the Boys & Girls Harbor is to provide healthy, comprehensive care for children and families in crisis.


Through the vision and work of the CKW Foundation, these kids got exactly what they were yearning for: love and attention mixed with a whole lot of fun.

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