Sending a Clear Message
George Springer's 4th Annual All-Star Bowling Benefit speaks up for youth who stutter

Photo Credit: Daniel Ortiz

The Celebration
Houston Astro’s outfielder George Springer and SAY: The Stuttering Association for the Young hosted the 4th Annual George Springer All-Star Bowling Benefit at Bowlmor Houston. Springer, his teammates, and local celebrities helped cochairs, Lara Bell and Melissa DeAyala,; junior chair, Matthew DeAyala; and honorary chair, Dr. Carolyn Lokey Farb welcome 450 guests to the exhilarating event. The annual benefit raises financial aid for children from all socio-economic backgrounds, so that everyone who needs it has access to Camp SAY.
The Story
Noah Cornman, executive director of SAY, greeted the crowd and encouraged everyone to help make it possible for all young people who stutter to go to Camp SAY. Tunes from DJ Senega brought guests to their feet for bowling and dancing, while celebrity lane captains got the ball rolling. The friendly competition continued with participants bidding on the unique silent auction items.
The VIP pre-game celebration saw Taro Alexander, founder of SAY, lead "Hype": a call-and-response chant with Springer and guests forming a huge circle of support around the kids who stutter. Alexander’s story of his own experience with stuttering and Camp SAY’s ability to change lives was inspirational. Springer, the national spokesperson for Camp SAY, added his voice in support of those who stutter, and welcomed all the kids in attendance to join his team. Cornman and SAY director of programming, Travis Robertson, performed a Camp Say morning song in honor of Springer, who was also presented with the SAY Hero Award. The evening was dedicated to HPD Officer Jerry Flores, a long-time friend of the Astros, who is recovering from an accident. The $250,000 that was raised will be used to send children with stutters, from families in need, to Camp SAY.
Guests: Houston Astros team members, Chris Devenski, Tony Kemp, Lance McCullers, Jr., Brad Peacock, Tony Sipp, Joe Smith, Gary Pettis, Doug White, A. J. Hinch, and Reid Ryan; Randy Bates; Dr. Kevin Smith; Toni and Scott Hughes; Lackland H. Bloom III, Justin Ellerton; John J. O'Brien; Jeff Gorski; Liz and Dave Unger; Shaun Smithson; Terry Deckard; Cheryl Sue; Charlise Castro; George and Marie Springer; Lee and Corrine Vela; Rod Windham; Roseann Rogers; and Russell Masraff.
A free Day Camp for young people who stutter was held on Saturday, July 7, 2018 at the Magnolia Houston Hotel. The life-changing experience allowed kids and teens the opportunity to meet new friends and participate in exciting confidence-building activities. As a treat afterward, the campers and their parents joined SAY for the Houston Astros versus Chicago White Sox afternoon game. They even had a meet and greet with George Springer in the Astros Press Room.
About Camp Say and George Springer
Houston Astros outfielder, 2017 World Series Champion, and MVP, George Springer is a person who stutters. He is also the national spokesperson for Camp SAY, a life-changing and empowering summer camp for young people who stutter.