Shooting Star Award
Jordan Fein and Lauren Elie: Young Partners in Philanthropy

CKW LUXE is proud to announce that Jordan Fein and Lauren Elie are our joint honorees for the Shooting Star Award. This award recognizes the young people who pave the way for themselves. They have shown extraordinary effort in the pursuit of a particular goal and have influenced the community for the better.
“Emerson wrote, ‘The Earth laughs in flowers.’ Flower Power’s mission is to limit waste of, and share, nature’s beauty. Giving the unexpected gift of flowers is a simple way to lift someone’s spirits and spread the joy that flowers inspire.” – Jordan Fein
“ ‘Where flowers bloom, so does hope,’ I like that quote because the reason we started Flower Power was to give people hope, to make them smile, to make their day. A little gesture goes a long way.” – Lauren Elie
Jordan Fein and Lauren Elie are young women who, together, have followed in their mothers’ philanthropic footsteps by being actively involved in their community. In 2015, the two friends, collaborating with their mothers, Kelli Cohen Fein and Gina Gaston Elie, co-founded the nonprofit that would eventually be called Flower Power Gives. Their belief was that flowers from charitable events could be given a second life by donating them to worthy causes.
The idea was first presented to the Rockin’ Resiliency Luncheon for the Women’s Fund, co-chaired by both mother-daughter teams. Fully supported by those present, the arrangements of vibrant red roses were gathered up and delivered to the Star of Hope Women and Family Shelter.
Jordan and Lauren have gone on to co-manage and co-administer the organization. Not only do they pick up and deliver the flowers, Jordan and Lauren also coordinate deliveries and manage all social media and publicity. In 2017, nearly $70,000 worth of flowers was reclaimed and delivered to worthy and grateful recipients.
It’s clear from their outstanding work with Flower Power Gives that these two gifted young women use their intelligence and strong sense of humanity to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Here is a little more information about their individual accomplishments.
Jordan Fein
Jordan is in ninth grade at The Kinkaid School Upper School and is a member of its 2021 graduating class. Jordan also attended The Kinkaid School Middle School and Lower School from third grade on. As a student at the Middle School, Jordan was selected as a participant for the Kinkaid-Texas Heart Institute Field Trip to observe open heart surgery and to tour the institute’s heart lab. She also participated in the Global Health Collaborative Conference Texas Children’s Hospital/Rice University Breakout Session with Dr. Rick Hodes.
Jordan, who speaks French, Hebrew, and Latin has expanded her education by traveling. Highlights include trips to parts of Africa, Antarctica, Ecuador, France, Israel, and the Galápagos Islands.
An avid volunteer, Jordan was part of the Kinkaidian yearbook staff in eighth grade, has volunteered for the Jewish Family Service, and has helped the Houston Food Bank serve Thanksgiving lunch to the homeless since 2013. She is a member of the National Charity League, Bright Star Chapter and the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization. Jordan also co-chaired the McGovern Health Museum’s 2017 inaugural “Never Count Us Out” luncheon and the “Hats off to Mothers” Luncheon Benefiting Easter Seals Greater Houston in 2018.
Recognition Jordan has already received includes being named one of Houston Chronicle’s Most Fascinating People of 2016, inclusion on The Kinkaid School’s Academic Honor Roll for every semester from sixth to ninth grades, achieving Magna Cum Laude on the National Latin Exam, and receiving gymnastics gold medals in fourth and sixth grades.
Jorden has nourished her love of piano by attending the Interlochen National Music Academy for the past four summers in a row. As well as being a passionate pianist, Jordan is a budding photographer.
Lauren Elie
Lauren is a freshman and member of the class of 2021 at Houston’s Memorial High School. From 2006 to 2017, she attended Awty International School where she was enrolled in the French program until fourth grade and became fluent in the French language. In fifth grade, Lauren joined the international studies program. During her time at Awty, she maintained a position on the high honor roll.
Lauren attended Purdue Summer Engineering Camp in 2014 and 2015 and iD Tech Camp at the University of Houston during the summer of 2012. In 2016, Lauren was part of a mission trip to Haiti where she volunteered at the 1 Heart 1 Mission orphanage in Gonaives and delivered shoes, medical supplies and clothes to the Edeyo School in Port-au-Prince.
As well as her involvement with Flower Power Gives, Lauren co-chaired the McGovern Health Museum’s 2017 inaugural “Never Count Us Out” luncheon. Lauren also volunteers at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston and the Houston Food Bank, and is a member of the National Charity League, Bright Star Chapter. Currently, Lauren is pursuing a Congressional Award. Recognition Lauren has already received includes being named Top French student of 2017, eighth grade, Awty International School and being named one of Houston Chronicle’s Most Fascinating People of 2016.
A sports lover, Lauren she been a member of Houston Skyline Volleyball since 2014. She was also part of Texas Elite Volleyball in 2013. Lauren skis and is a certified scuba diver as well.
CKW LUXE would like to congratulate Jordan Fein and Lauren Elie on being the Shooting Star Award joint honorees. As the embodiment of the award, they set their sights on a goal that would benefit the community, and through planning and execution, achieved it. By doing so, the pair has prevented the waste of thousands of dollars worth of fresh flowers, brings joy to the unfortunate through the gift of flowers, and provides worthy role models for their peers to emulate and look up to.