Upcoming Doc Talk Focuses on Sleep Quality

Melanie Baxter

Moderated by Casey Curry
The Women’s Fund for Health Education and Resiliency (The Women’s Fund) will present Living to the Fullest: Maximizing Sleep and its Benefits, with Melanie Baxter, senior director of Investment & Wellness at alliantgroup, as the next Doc Talk. The free event, which will include lunch, is open to the public and will be presented on Thursday September 28, 2023 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. online and at the offices of alliantgroup, 3009 Post Oak Blvd, Ste. 2000.
The noon-hour presentation will focus on sleep quality, something that is often overlooked when we focus on our health regimens. Although physical wellness, including nutrition and exercise, are important in order for us to live our best lives, we must remember that sleep is also key. Houston’s sleep experts will join the discussion and offer ways to improve sleep quality.
Doc Talk, one of many free women’s outreach education programs offered by The Women’s Fund, is a series of conversations with medical professionals on cutting-edge and trending health topics. Moderated by Casey Curry, Doc Talk is funded in part by the John P. McGovern Foundation and sponsored by alliantgroup.
About The Women’s Fund for Health Education and Resiliency
The Women’s Fund for Health Education and Resiliency (The Women’s Fund) is a nonprofit providing Houston-area women and girls with the tools needed to be advocates for their health. For over 44 years, The Women’s Fund has educated girls and women in the Houston area through classes, workshops, lectures, and publications that teach resiliency skills and relate those skills to current and future health risks. Dedicated to ensuring positive health outcomes for individuals and communities, The Women’s Fund serves close to 12,000 women and adolescent girls and distributes close to 10,000 publications each year at no cost.
The Women’s Fund collaborates with community partners to provide its programs and resources free of charge to communities with limited access to health information. Houston-area women and girls learn resiliency skills to increase self-efficiency, decision-making, goal-setting, communication, and resourcefulness to be their own health advocates and ensure positive health outcomes for individuals and communities.
For more information on The Women’s Fund, please visit www.thewomensfund.org; or call 713-623-6543; or follow on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.