The Sky’s the Limit for Houston Animal Lovers
Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston’s 8th Annual Wags & Whiskers Brunch and Pet Fashion Show, Jet Set Pets, was a virtual success

Captain M.A. Shute, Event Chair

Roz Pactor with Event Chair MA Shute greetings guests on screen at Wags & Whiskers

Wheezy is ready to party

Captain M.A. Shute, Event Chair

The Celebration
Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston’s (Interfaith Ministries) 8th annual Wags & Whiskers Brunch and Pet Fashion Show, Jet Set Pets, took off over the airwaves on Saturday, May 8, 2021. Acting as flight captain, event chair, M.A. Shute, was joined by co-captain, Jay Harberg, Interfaith Ministries’ board chair, who prepared guests for takeoff with virtual boarding passes. Lead flight attendant, Casey Curry, emceed and welcomed guests aboard Jet Set Pet Airline flight 2021. Co-captain Martin B. Cominsky, Interfaith Ministries’ president and CEO, guided guests through Interfaith Ministries’ four pillars of services, and Reverend Gregory Han, director of Interfaith Relations and Education, delivered a heartfelt invocation.
The Story
Over 200 guests joined the inflight fun in support of the Animeals program, which provides free pet food and veterinary care to 1,300 pets belonging to Interfaith Ministries’ Meals on Wheels homebound seniors. Onboard lunches from Phoenicia Specialty Foods featuring fresh salad; a meat, fish, or vegetarian entrée; and a choice of divine desserts, were delivered to guests’ homes with expertise by Interfaith Ministries’ Meals on Wheels drivers. Total Wine contributed Prosecco, olive oil, and a mini baguette to the out-of-this-world repast.
The virtual passengers joined from home wearing their finest jet set or vintage attire and sporting complimentary Delta Airlines slippers. Before heading to their destination, travelers chatted during a pre-flight reception, enjoyed “duty free” shopping by bidding on the online auction, and took a chance on the raffle for a trip to Pelican Reef Villas in Ambergris Caye, Belize.
Upon reaching their destination, participants were treated to a singular fashion show at the Lone Star Flight Museum replete with jet set cats and dogs strutting their stuff on the runway with their proud owners.
The Moments
The judges, made up of members of the local media, awarded the title of Animeals Top Pet to Rachel Feiertag and her cat, Zim, and her dog, Kuma. Coco and her owner Ali Al Sudani, Interfaith Ministries’ chief programs officer, won over attendees and snagged the People’s Choice Award.
Animeals on Wheels seniors and volunteers delivered messages to attendees, and flight attendant Maria Magee, Interfaith Ministries’ chief development officer, encouraged guests to take action and fund a need to make a difference in the lives of homebound seniors and their furry companions.
The over-the-top event raised over $70,000.
Aviators Host Committee: Dr. Vasant Garg, Tyler Juergens, Paula Sutton, and Nadia Tajalli.
Media Judges: Michelle Mantor of PetTalk Magazine; Lara Bell of Swoon Magazine; Freddy Cruz of 104.1 KRBE, Steven Devadanam of CultureMap; Connie Kwan-Wong of CKW LUXE magazine, and Sarah Leftwich of Modern Luxury Houston.
Brunch Sponsors
Fred G. Marshall in loving memory of his wife Linda, Marian and Paul Cones, Brigitte and Bashar Kalai, Charlene Chuang, Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists, Edward and Helen Oppenheimer Foundation, Polly and David Roth, M.A. Shute, Nadia Tajalli and Dr. Shahin Tavackoli, Dr. Kim Tran and Dr. Vasant Grant, Total Wine & More, Gayle Christie, Beth and Peter Cook, Karen and Jay Harberg, W. Barry Kahn, Marilyn D. Sumner, and E. Chrissy Tate.
About Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston
A United Way agency, Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston (Interfaith Ministries) brings people of diverse faith traditions together for dialogue, collaboration, and service as a demonstration of their shared beliefs. Interfaith Ministries provides four main services: Meals on Wheels for Greater Houston and Galveston County, Refugee Services, Interfaith Relations and Community Partnerships, and Volunteer Houston. For more information, please visit