Unleash your Creativity
By: Pragito Dove

Creativity has nothing to do with a particular activity. Activity itself is neither creative nor uncreative. You can paint or sing in an uncreative way. On the other hand, you can cook or clean the floor in a creative way. Creativity is the quality you bring to whatever you’re doing: it’s an attitude, an inner approach, and a perception.
Creativity Is Inside You Waiting to Be Set Free
If you’re feeling blocked, do whatever brings you joy. It doesn’t matter what it is, just do it joyfully, lovingly, with totality, and without purely economic motives. By being fully present, you’ll feel something spiritual, creative, and divine rising out of you. Love what you do regardless of what it is. If you clean the floor with love, you have formed an invisible painting. Because you lived those moments in such delight, their value is intrinsic. Small things become great by the touch of love and delight.
Some people become master chefs, while others open a can of soup for dinner. But then, maybe the master chef is a terrible dancer and the can-of-soup person dances magically. It doesn’t matter what you are passionate about — what matters is that you follow your passion, allowing your creativity to arise from it. Every child is born creative. Children are so in the moment and so in touch with their innate joy that spending time with them can greatly enhance your own creativity.
Believe in Your Creativity and You Will Find It
If you believe you’re uncreative, you’ll become uncreative, because belief isn’t just belief, it opens and closes doors. You were born creative, but your creativity has been pushed aside if you have been filled with the idea that you need to be ambitious, economical, and political.
When ambition enters, creativity disappears, because ambition is in the future and creativity is in the present. Your creative sources have been plugged, blocked, and destroyed.
For that reason, all your energy has been forced into an activity that society thinks is profitable. You’ve been taught to be money- and power-oriented. Power is destructive, not creative. Creativity gives to the world, it doesn’t destroy.
When you take your life in your own hands and purify yourself of all conditioning, you will discover that you are creative. You have to determine what you can and can’t do. This will involve groping in the dark for a while because the path isn’t clear-cut. You’re not handed a template, but that’s good, because in the very search something grows in you. You are an opening, a potentiality for a thousand and one things, and you have to choose, to feel your way. If you love your life, your creativity will be revealed to you. Dance because you love to dance; walk your dog because you love your dog and the fresh air; play tennis because you love to play tennis. Whatever you love to do, do it. Never hide behind a mask. Be real, authentic, and true to whatever you’re doing and you’ll find your creativity.
Being Creative Makes You Close to the Divine
To be creative is to be close to the divine, but this closeness is available only if you pour your whole energy into your chosen activity. Discover your innermost joys and passions and devote yourself to them. Make what is invisible inside you visible so that your dream can exist on the earth. Transform your potential into reality: this is the greatest joy there is. You attain real bliss when you have helped the divine shine through, when you have made the world a little more beautiful, and when you have enhanced its joy. Live at your optimum. Don’t think of life as a burden or a duty to be fulfilled. Make life a dance and allow it to be a celebration.
You were a child once. As you pay attention to magical moments from your childhood, you help your creativity, passion, and joy grow. A new live energy runs through you. You become more receptive, more loving. Here is a powerful technique that will help you:
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