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CKW LUXE believes everyone deserves the opportunity to find self-fulfillment, no matter their age or circumstance. That is why it is important to us to sponsor community activities, celebrate one another, and offer articles in our magazine that encourage and support individual dreams. I hope you find our ninth anniversary edition inspiring and that it brings us even more closely together as a caring community.

In this, our ninth anniversary edition, we have been intent on bringing self-fulfillment to the forefront... READ MORE

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I want to encourage us all to continue to be grateful every day for being part of a caring community that values every individual in it, and, as always, I want to thank you all for believing in CKW LUXE.

As I write, I find myself feeling grateful for many things. First, I am grateful to be publishing our seventh anniversary issue. There was a time in my life when publishing a magazine was a dream. Seven years later it is a reality I am proud of. CKW LUXE magazine has accomplished everything.... Read more


We celebrate achieving success through perseverance and hard work.

In this issue, we celebrate achieving success through perseverance and hard work. It’s hard to believe, but this is our fourth anniversary issue. Only four short years ago, I was contemplating whether or not I should make CKW LUXE magazine a reality. It had long been a dream of mine. Though there were many reasons against it, it seemed to me there were so many more in favor of it.
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It's our Third Anniversary

I am proud and thrilled to be celebrating our third anniversary. Over the past three years CKW LUXE has been honored to bring you timely, uplifting, and informative articles about the amazing City of Houston and the world at large. Thank you for the support you give us and for believing in CKW LUXE....
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Thanking you all in our Second Year Anniversary 

On Friday, May 26, 2017, CKW Luxe philanthropic magazine celebrated its second anniversary and Star Awards honorees at the Asia Society Texas Center. It was a proud moment for us as we celebrated our second exciting year bringing topical and meaningful articles to our readers. We were also proud to celebrate outstanding women and youth of the Houston community in such a beautiful setting..... -Read More

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Our First Anniversary

This is our one-year anniversary, and I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support. We hope you will take pride in knowing that your loyalty enables us to make this world a better place.

One year ago, CKW Luxe was subscription-only. We have now expanded our distribution to hundreds of locations, and our magazine is for sale in many stores and on many newsstands. We will continue our mission of great - Read More

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CKW Luxe will shine a spotlight
on the inspiring women and youth

It has always been my belief that looking fabulous can go hand in hand with making the world a better place.

As I was working as a pediatric cardiac sonographer, I was exposed to children and families who were suffering because of health and financial problems. I wanted to find a way to assist them.

As a result, I created CKW Foundation and
CKW Collection. CKW Foundation is a charitable
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It is my hope that this, our eighth anniversary issue, enlightens and entertains you. The articles within are designed to bring us together as a community and enrich all our lives.

With a new year comes new hope. Many of us will have formulated intentions and resolutions we hope will make our lives and the lives of those we love better and more fulfilling.... READ MORE


There is so much for all of us to look forward to. Thank you for letting us take your journey with you,

In this, our almost fifth year, a true milestone for CKW LUXE, we continue to bring you articles we hope will inspire and uplift you. It is the aim of CKW LUXE to promote love, hope, and positivity in the lives of everyone who reads our magazine. We also strive to provide you, our readers, with examples that will encourage you to live life in a way that will benefit you and others and assist you in finding a path that will help you reach your goals.... Read more


The importance of sharing the things I love and giving what I can...

In this issue, we address being our best selves. There are so many ways we can do this, but we don’t need to make it complicated. It is my belief that we are put on the Earth to live life to its fullest, which means maintaining a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise, eating well, taking care of our mental health, enjoying culture in all its forms, and embracing the beauty of nature.
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Happy 2018 to all our readers and supporters:

A new year is like a blank book. With the pen in our hands, it’s our time to write a beautiful story for ourselves. When we start with good intentions, we can make our dreams come true!
Never think that in this vast world you... 
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New Year Wishes from the Publisher...Happy 2017!

It’s the beginning of a shining New Year—a time for setting resolutions, working toward positive goals, and being with loved ones. Remember, during this time of renewal, to share your blessings with others whenever possible. Extending kindness to others fills us with joy and happiness and is fundamental to experiencing true fulfillment.
Here is a short verse to usher in 2017:
Welcome, New Year! ….. - Read More

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Spreading the message of Love, Hope, and Positivity

For the past 10 years, I have been giving women access to information that will inspire them and help them to be healthier, more knowledgeable and to find ways to give back to the community.
Connie Kwan-Wong Foundation is a charitable organization designed to help children with medical, financial, and educational deficits. CKW Collection is a skincare and accessories company which donates 100% of its profits to non-profit charities that further these same goals...… - Read More

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Connie Kwan-Wong is an entrepreneur, magazine publisher, and philanthropist who combines her many endeavors with her passion for charitable work. A former pediatric cardiac sonographer specializing in congenital heart disease, Connie lives in Houston with her husband and two daughters from whom she receives encouragement and inspiration. They enjoy spending quality time together and giving back to their community as a family.  - Read More

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